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#139 December 5-11: The Full Moon in Gemini, Mercury and Venus in Capricorn


The Full Moon in Gemini aligns with Mars, breaking whatever hidden thoughts were still festering from Scorpio Season out into the open.

This week clear out whatever is holding you back in order to create a solid foundation for Mercury and Venus to build upon in Capricorn.

This is that first step to help you accomplish all you desire from your relationships.

The question is can you be honest with yourself, and will you be compassionate once you discover the truth?

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The themes this week are…

1. Honesty

2. Communication

3. Responsibility

There looks to be some big shifts with the astral and planetary energies this week. Mercury and Venus both transit into Capricorn. The Full Moon in Gemini may receive an explosive boost from a conjunction with Mars.

Get out whatever you have been wanting to say.

Clear the space to plan for the future.

Take the first steps necessary to build towards your goals.

We’re still a few weeks from the end of 2022, but now is a great time to begin putting your plans into motion in order to set you up for success in 2023.

If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.

Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!

MONDAY, December 5

Mercury in Sagittarius Square Jupiter in Pisces

Can you take an honest look at what is happening within your unconscious?

Can you speak your truth with compassion?

Can you take an honest look at what you want for your future?

Where can you show more faith in your life?

What are you doing to connect to your spiritual nature?

When: December 4 – 6

TUESDAY, December 6

Mercury in Capricorn

The Planet of Communication, Mercury, begins its extended transit through Capricorn, the Sign of Responsibility.

The transit is extended because Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn.

Typically, Mercury spends about three weeks in any particular Sign. During this period, Mercury will spend two months in Capricorn, due to the retrograde.

The purpose of this frequency is to give you a greater mental process toward achieving your goals.

Mercury is bringing you the mental aptitude to solve problems you may be facing with regards to your career, or ambitions.

What are you working to achieve?

Are you speaking from a position of authority?

Are you asking the authority the necessary questions to help you achieve your goals?

Who can you connect with that can help you ascend towards your goals?

Are you communicating with respect?

Are you listening with respect?


This Time: December 6, 2022 - February 11, 2023

Last Time: December 13, 2021 - January 1, 2022 and January 25 - February 14, 2022

WEDNESDAY, December 7

The Moon Conjunct Mars Retrograde in Gemini Opposite the Sun in Sagittarius


The Full Moon in Gemini

November 23 was the New Moon in Sagittarius, at which point the seed you were called to plant was to live free in faith, with honesty, and through adventure.

The New Moon is planting the seed of the coming harvest.

The Full Moon is reaping the bounty of the harvest.

The New Moon is the inhale.

The Full Moon is the exhale.

During the Full Moon, ask yourself what you need to release in order to receive what you intended during the New Moon.

The Full Moon in Gemini will be Conjunct Mars bringing an energetic boost to the Full Moon. This Conjunction between the Moon and Mars Opposing the Sun gives you the courage to ask the questions you have been wanting to ask, but perhaps have been too fearful to do so.

Do you have the courage to release what you need to in order to set yourself free, embrace your truth, claim your faith, and be adventurous?

Gemini is all about communication, so these are some good questions to ponder during the Full Moon in Gemini.

What would you like to learn?

Who would you like to connect with?

What questions would you like to ask?

How can you be a better listener?

Who would you like to listen to?

Who wouldn't you like to listen to, but perhaps you should in order to learn something new?

Do you have the courage to ask the questions you need to in order to receive the answers you have been searching for?

Do you have the courage to express your emotional curiosity?

Do you have the courage to actively listen to the responses to the questions you’ve asked?

To learn more about how the next Moon Cycle will be affecting you directly, you can enroll here in my Moon Cycle classes.

When: 8:07pm PST

THURSDAY, December 8

The Moon in Gemini Opposite Venus in Sagittarius

Yesterday the Moon opposed the Sun in Sagittarius, today, the Moon Opposes Venus in Sagittarius.

Think of this alignment as a final opportunity to have an open and honest conversation with those you are in a relationship with.

What questions would you like to ask your lover, friend, or business partner?

Are you willing to listen to what your partners have to share with you?

How can you express your emotional curiosity in your close, personal relationships?

What would you like to learn from your partners?

What would you like your partners to learn from you?

When: 5pm – 11pm PST

FRIDAY, December 9

Venus in Sagittarius Square Jupiter in Pisces


Venus in Capricorn

Before Venus transits into Capricorn, it makes one final alignment from Sagittarius with Jupiter in Pisces.

Take a moment to open yourself up with your partners. Honestly express yourself with compassion. Create the space for your partners to honestly and compassionately express themselves.

What is your outlook for your relationships?

What are your future plans for your relationships?

How can you be compassionate and honest with your partners?

Finish up your plans in these areas, because when Venus moves into Capricorn it is time to put your plans to work.

What are your relationship goals with regards to professional and personal relationships?

What type of partners would you like to help you ascend to the top of the mountain?

How can you hold yourself accountable in your close, personal relationships?

Are you willing to take responsibility for the role you are meant to play in your relationships?

Can you hold your partners accountable for what they are responsible in bringing to your relationships?

From now until January 2, build the structure you desire to support your relationships, and build the structure necessary within your relationships to support you in your goals.


Venus Square Jupiter – December 8 – 10

Venus in Capricorn

This Time: December 9, 2022 - January 2, 2023

Last Time: November 5, 2021 - March 5, 2022

SATURDAY, December 10

The Moon in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces

Over the next two days take time to reflect upon your past. Delve into your unconscious. Face your psychological baggage with compassion, so you can integrate these thought patterns and memories with understanding, forgiveness, and love.

How can you show yourself compassion, and kindness through the expression of your emotions?

Can you nurture yourself emotionally with compassion?

What can you do to care for yourself in the presence of any demons that are haunting you within your unconscious mind?

When: 5pm – 11pm PST

SUNDAY, December 11

The Moon in Cancer Trine Jupiter in Pisces

Continue to reflect upon your past. Delve into your unconscious. Face your psychological baggage with compassion, so you can integrate these thought patterns and memories with understanding, forgiveness, and love.

By doing this work you are creating new opportunities for the future.

What do you regret?

Where do you experience shame?

How are you blaming yourself?

Are you experiencing guilt?

If you are constantly blaming yourself for your past, you are restraining yourself from making progress towards a new hope.

Be kind, caring, and nurturing toward yourself in order to create a positive frequency towards a future you can look forward to.

When: 6am – 12pm PST

If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.




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