Ingrid shares some of her experiences at the club, while Scott reminisces about his restaurant days, and how they relate to the current alignments in Aquarius.
Now is the time to embrace your individuality, while contributing to the group context. All of this culminates with the Full Moon in Leo on Sunday, which encourages you to release your inner Drama Queen, so you can assimilate to the group with an understanding that you don’t need to snuff out someone else’s light in order to allow your individual light to shine.
Share your warmth and benevolence with those around you, and together your community will light up the rest of the world. Plus, we answer a Mercury Retrograde question, as Mercury is still in its Retrograde shadow for another week.
Check out the podcast through the link below...
The themes this week are…
1. Communication
2. Sovereignty
3. Community
Gemini, the Sign of Communication is highlighted on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday with transits involving the Moon and Mars.
Aquarius, the Sign of Community is highlighted on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday with transits involving the Sun.
Leo, the Sign of Sovereignty is the highlight of the week with the Full Moon in the Sign of the Lion on Sunday.
If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.
Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!
MONDAY, January 30

The Moon Conjunct Mars in Gemini
Typically, when transiting through a Sign, Mars will form a Conjunction with the Moon once, or at the most twice.
However, due to the retrograde transit of Mars through Gemini, this is the sixth of seven times, the Moon will form a Conjunction with Mars in Gemini.
Mars is the god of war, the planet of action, aggression, and conflict.
The Moon is the planet of emotions, representing your home life, past, and ancestry.
Gemini, is the Mutable Air Sign symbolized by the Twins, and ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the god, guide of souls to the underworld, the planet of consciousness, communication, and coordination.
Mars moved into Gemini on August 20, 2022, while interestingly enough, the Moon was also transiting in Gemini. However, the Moon had already formed a Conjunction with Mars, while they were in Taurus.
Since this time, we have been encouraged to ask questions, gather information, and learn a little bit about a lot.
Every time the Moon has joined Mars in Gemini is has created an energetic pulse which brings an emotional sensitivity to this curious nature, increasing your inquisitiveness.
What would you like to learn?
Who would you like to learn from?
Who would you like to connect with?
How can you be a better listener?
Below are the dates and degrees for when the Moon has formed a Conjunction with Mars during its current transit through Gemini.
September 16 at 14°
October 14 at 23°
November 11 at 24° while Mars was retrograde
December 7 at 16° while Mars was retrograde
January 3 at 8° while Mars was retrograde
January 30 at 10°
February 27 at 18°
For those of you more advanced in your understanding of the language of astrology, look at your astrological code, and see what is at or near to the degrees listed above.
In accordance with today’s Conjunction, if you were born with Venus at or near to 10° in an Air, Fire, or Mutable Sign, you are being encouraged to ask questions, gather information, and listen in your close, personal relationships.
If you were born with Saturn at or near to 10° in an Air, Fire, or Mutable Sign, you are being encouraged to hold yourself accountable ask questions, gather information, and listen.
If you were born with Chiron at or near to 10° in an Air, Fire, or Mutable Sign, you are being encouraged to face your insecurities surrounding asking questions, gathering information, and listening.
Look at the degrees of the other dates, and compare those degrees with key astrological points, or planets in Air, Fire, or Mutable Sign in your astrological code, for insight into your experiences during this transit.
If you’re curious about how this, or any other transit has been, or will be affecting you directly, schedule a reading with me, and we will delve in deep to these planetary frequencies are influencing your Soul.
When: 5pm - 11pm PST
This period could be a challenging day for those born with key astrological points or planets in Virgo or Pisces.
TUESDAY, January 31

The Moon in Gemini Sextile Chiron in Aries
In order to be a better communicator, you must face your insecurities to ask questions, gather information, and listen.
This monthly frequency has been a theme since Chiron began transit through Aries in April of 2018.
What are you afraid to ask?
Do you have trouble listening?
Are you judging a response before fully processing what you’ve heard?
Who would you like to connect with, but have been too timid to engage?
Acknowledge the nature of your insecurities, and step into the power of your curiosity.
When: 9pm (1/30) – 3am (1/31) PST
This period could be a challenging day for those born with key astrological points or planets in Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces.
WEDNESDAY, February 1

The Sun in Aquarius Sextile Chiron in Aries
What insecurities do you have regarding your individuality?
Do you have fears around being independent?
Are you aware of your unique attributes?
Are you contributing to the community through sharing your unique gifts?
Do you have the courage to authentically express yourself within your community, or the group context?
What do you have to offer the group, or community that is unique to you?
Break loose from whatever is holding you back.
Embrace your authenticity.
Be yourself.
When: January 29 – February 2
This period could be a challenging day for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn.
THURSDAY, February 2

The Moon in Cancer Trine Venus in Pisces
How can you be empathetic and nurturing in your close, personal relationships?
What are the roots of your relationship trauma?
In what ways are your present-day relationships reflecting your relationships from the past?
Do you feel any guilt, shame, regret, or blame for how you’ve conducted yourself in your relationships, past or present?
Can you show yourself compassion as a partner, so you can integrate any negative thought patterns, or memories with understanding, forgiveness, and love for yourself?
Are you willing to express your emotions to your partner?
Can you create space for your partner to share their emotions with you?
What energy would you like to heal as a partner, and in your relationships?
To learn more about Venus in Pisces check out post #146.
When: 12am – 7am PST
This period could be a challenging day for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Gemini, Libra, or Sagittarius.
FRIDAY, February 3

The Sun in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus
It may be difficult to align your individual values with that of the group. Hold true to what is you, while also respecting the individuality of those around you.
How do your individual values align with what is valued within the community, or group context?
Do those within your community, or the group you are a part of honor, reflect, or respect your values?
Do you honor, reflect, or respect the values on those within your community, or group context?
Where do your values come into conflict with the values of the community, and what can you do to accept the fact that we are all different?
When: February 1 – 5
This period could be a challenging day for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.
SATURDAY, February 4

Venus in Pisces Square Mars in Gemini
Do you have the courage to ask the questions necessary to validate your intuition?
What do you want to ask your partner, but you’ve been too insecure to pop the question?
What questions can you ask your partner that will help you gain a deeper understanding of how their mind works?
Face the conflicts that are bubbling to the surface of your relationships.
Pay attention to the tension, so you can move through the energy that is stuck.
If you lose faith, reimagine the dream.
Most importantly, ask questions.
Show compassion for what is shared.
When: February 2 – 6
This period could be a challenging day for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces.
SUNDAY, February 5

The Full Moon in Leo
The New Moon is the inhale.
The Full Moon is the exhale.
The New Moon is planting the seeds of the coming harvest.
The Full Moon is showing, and sharing the harvest.
The New Moon in Aquarius was January 21. As shared in #145, the four cornerstones of Aquarius are…
1. Individuality
2. Independence
3. Innovation
4. Community
This was the seed that was planted, setting your intentions to embrace your individuality, be independent, innovative, and engage in your community by sharing your unique gifts.
Hopefully over the past two weeks as this seed has sprouted through taking responsibility to do your intentional work, you have begun to see some of the fruits of your labor.
As you continue moving forward through the Full Moon cycle, this is your opportunity to release whatever is holding you back from following through with your New Moon intentions.
Leo is the Fixed Fire Sign symbolized by the Lion, the king of the jungle, and ruled by the Sun, the center of the solar system.
During this Full Moon in Leo release your need to be the center of attention.
Open your heart, and release the pride that is preventing you from holding yourself accountable for what you are meant to contribute to the group.
Release yourself from the drama, so you can put the attention on those around you, rather than pushing others out of the way so you can be in the spotlight.
By releasing these arrogant, and insecure tendencies, you will be able to shine your individual light without snuffing out the light of anyone else in the group.
Remember, if all lights are equal, multiple lights are greater than one.
When: 10:27am PST
This period could be a challenging day for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, and Scorpio.
If you are curious to learn how the New Moon in Pisces, and the Full Moon in Virgo will be affecting you directly, enroll in the next round of Moon Cycle Classes.
If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then, and beyond, I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.