Ingrid and Scott dig into your questions, and reflect on the three year anniversary of the podcast (which they missed).
Saturn in Pisces forms a long aspect to the North Node in Taurus creating an undertone of healing, and elevating your self-worth.
The second New Moon in Aries for 2023, helps you re-establish your self-love and confidence, by encouraging you to be authentic.
The Sun begins transit in Taurus solidifying your values, just as Mercury begins its retrograde transit in the sign of the Bull.
Be mindful and patient with financial movements, and instead hone in on what is truly necessary for your material well being.
Check out the podcast through the link below...
The themes this week are…
1. Compassion
2. Courage
3. Values
This week we highlight the 12-day exact alignment of Saturn (Responsibility) in Pisces (Compassion) with the North Node (Soul’s Purpose) in Taurus (Values).
The second New Moon in Aries for 2023, reignites your need for self-assertion through courageously, confident acts that reflect the authentic nature of your self-love.
The Sun begins transit through Taurus, bringing light, life, and vitality to your self-worth, and personal values.
Mercury begins its retrograde transit through Taurus, urging you to get your finances in order, so you can enjoy the finer things that the material world has to offer.
If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.
Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!
MONDAY, April 17

Saturn in Pisces Sextile the North Node in Taurus
Saturn is the god of wealth and time, the planet of restriction, responsibility, hard work, achievement, and authority. Pisces is the Mutable Water Sign symbolized by the Fish.
The North Node is the karmic pathway of the Soul, or Soul’s Purpose. Taurus is the Fixed Earth Sign symbolized by the Bull.
Together, these two pieces on the astrological board game are in extremely close alignment with each other for 12-days, at the same degree, 4°.
What key astrological points or planets do you have at 4°?
If you are curious about learning how this aspect, or any other transit is affecting you directly, contact me for a reading.
We’ll have much more on this aspect in the days ahead, but for right now, it is important to understand the bottom line of this astrological influence…
Commit to doing the work required to trust your intuition, show yourself compassion, be empathetic to others, and have faith that everything that is occurring in your life right now is for a higher purpose, even if it is something you cannot understand.
The key here is to ground into your values, your likes and dislikes, as well as your personal self-worth.
To learn more about Saturn in Pisces refer back to #152.
When: April 14 – 25
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
TUESDAY, April 18

The Moon in Aries Square Mars in Cancer
The Moon is the planet of emotions.
Mars is the planet of action.
Aries is the Cardinal Fire Sign symbolized by the Ram.
Cancer is the Cardinal Water Sign symbolized by the Crab.
The Moon is transiting Aries.
Mars is transiting Cancer.
The Moon rules Cancer.
Mars rules Aries.
The Moon and Mars are both transiting through Signs where that other planet rules, and there may be a kind of tension that emanates a tense energy of “What are you doing in my house?!”
Do you have the courage to authentically express your emotions?
What is it about your past that haunts you?
What do you fear from your past?
In what ways do your present-day insecurities reflect your past?
How can you courageously face your past, and take action to stand up for yourself in the present moment?
Pay attention to the tension in your life, so you can move through the energy that is stuck.
Ignoring the tensions will allow it to fester, and will draw you into that familiar pain that is reminiscent of your childhood.
To learn more about Mars in Cancer refer back to #154.
When: 11am – 5pm PDT
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn
Saturn in Pisces Sextile the North Node in Taurus
The last time Saturn in Pisces aligned with the North Node in Taurus was April 23 – May 3, 1966. It’s been 57-years since these two cosmic points aligned from these two Signs.
Pisces is the Sign of Dreams.
Taurus is the Sign of Reality.
What dreams would you like to bring into reality?
Do you know what you want?
Are you willing to do the work?
The next time Saturn in Pisces will align with the North Node in Taurus will be July 6, 2171.
Think of this as a multigenerational opportunity.
Reset the frequency of your unconscious thoughts.
Shift these unconscious thoughts into something that generates the reality you desire.
When: April 14 – 25
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.

The New Moon in Aries (Part II)
The planet of light, life, and vitality, the Sun, joins forces yet again with the planet of emotions, the Moon, in Aries, for the second time in 2023.
As the Moon is bathed in the fiery light of the Sun, in the Sign, Aries, where the Sun is exalted, this is an opportunity to burn up your fears and insecurities.
The Moon was last New in Aries this past March 21.
Remember the Four Cornerstones of Aries and the intentions you were meant to set...
1. Self-love
2. Courage
3. Confidence
4. Authenticity
Have you been following through on your intentions to love yourself?
Have you been following through on your intentions to be courageous?
Have you been following through on your intentions to live with confidence?
Have you been following through on your intentions to authentically express yourself?
Are you loving yourself?
Are your actions courageous?
Are you living with confidence?
Are you expressing yourself authentically?
Eviscerate any frequencies that exist around you that are attempting to impede your self-love, courage, confidence, or authenticity.
For clues on what could be in store for you during this New Moon, think back to what was happening in your life on April 20, 2004, which was the last time the New Moon was at 29° in Aries.
What is similar to the themes between what was happening in 2004 and what is happening now?
Is there anything about the past you would like to change that you could heal by making different choices today?
If you are curious about how this Moon Cycle will be affecting you directly, enroll in the Moon Cycle Classes.
To learn more about the last New Moon in Aries refer back to #154.
When: 9:13 pm PDT
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Cancer and Capricorn.
Saturn in Pisces Sextile the North Node in Taurus
Saturn in Pisces is pushing you to take responsibility for the thoughts in your unconscious mind.
The North Node in Taurus is pushing you to get clear about what you value on a Soul level.
Together, these two are supporting you in the awareness of how your unconscious influences your values, as well as how your values influence your unconscious.
When: April 14 – 25
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
THURSDAY, April 20

The Sun in Taurus Square Pluto in Aquarius
The Sun begins transit through the Fixed Earth Sign symbolized by the Bull, Taurus.
The Bull is that creature that is most serene when it is in a wide-open field, with the Sun baking on its back, the cool grass beneath it, and all the fragrances of the flowers, the forest, and field carrying into its five physical senses.
However, if anyone gets too close to the Bull, tries to crowd, or move the Bull, they meet a very agitated Bull.
The Bull is also symbolic to finance, as there is a statue of a Bull in front of the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street. When the financial markets are rising, it is called a Bull Market, as opposed to a Bear Market when the stocks are falling.
The themes of Taurus therefore are…
1. Self-worth
2. Values
3. Security
4. Sensuality
With the Sun bringing its vital, life breathing light into the Sign of the Bull, your self-worth is coming into illumination.
You will know your self-worth, based on what you value.
What looks good to you?
What sounds good to you?
What smells good to you?
What feels good to you?
What tastes good to you?
The values of each individual are unique.
Are you honoring your values by making sure you receive what you desire?
What are you doing to secure what you value, by making sure you get what you need?
Once you have established your values, you must secure your values, to make sure your self-worth is not infringed upon by anyone else.
When you know your self-worth, based on what you value, you will secure what you value, just as the Bull secures its patch of grass in the field.
Once you feel that your valuables have been secured, and your self-worth is honored, from there you can indulge in the sensuality that the material world has to offer.
Enjoy this sensual season by surrounding yourself in whatever it is you find to be beautiful, fragrant, and delicious.
Take care of what you need, financially to give you everything you want from the material world.
For the first time since April 19, 1777, the Sun in Taurus Squares off with Pluto in Aquarius.
Pluto is the god of death, lord of the underworld, the planet of transformation. Aquarius is the Fixed Air Sign symbolized by the Water Bearer, representing the community, group, club, organization, social network, or cause.
This challenging alignment is pushing you to reflect upon the nature of your self-worth and how it is reflected within the community or group context, and the transformations that need to occur for you to assimilate into the new dynamic of society.
How do your values reflect what is valued by the group, or community?
How does what the group, or community value reflect what you value?
Is there synastry between these values or discordance?
What are you willing to transform about yourself in order to find your place in society, without completely losing yourself, and becoming co-dependent of society?
What unique gifts can you contribute to the group, and what do you desire from the group in return?
Embrace your individuality, and celebrate the uniqueness those around you, as difficult as that may be. The more accepting you can be of those who are different than you, despite the contrast in values, the more you will peace you will create within your community.
When: The Sun is in Taurus from April 20 - May 21
The Sun is in Taurus every year from April 20 – May 20 or May 21 depending on where you are in the world.
The Sun Squares Pluto most strongly from April 19 - 21.
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Saturn in Pisces Sextile the North Node in Taurus
Pay attention to the thoughts that are occurring in your dreams when you sleep.
Pay attention to your waking dreams. You know, those dreams you have when you find yourself drifting off. You may be reading a book and three pages later you don’t even know what you read because your mind is wandering. Maybe you’re driving somewhere you go to a lot, and you end up there, but don’t remember how you got there, because your mind is in the clouds.
What is happening in your mind at this moment?
Where are your thoughts leading?
How do these thoughts reflect your self-worth?
How do these thoughts reflect your values?
How do these thoughts reflect your material security?
How do these thoughts reflect your sensuality?
Hone in on solidifying the nature of your unconscious thoughts, so you can adjust them in your reality if need be.
When: April 14 – 25
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
FRIDAY, April 21

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
It is time to stop and smell the roses.
Take time to be where you are, and to smell, taste, touch, see, and listen.
What are your five physical senses picking up on, and what are they teaching you about where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’d like to go?
Slow down.
Take your time.
Pay attention to where you spend every dime.
This is an extended period for accounting to determine what you need to do to make what you need to secure your material needs.
Refrain from making any sudden financial decisions.
Anything that has not been planned or contemplated prior to the retrograde or retrograde shadow should be tabled until after the end of the retrograde or retrograde shadow, especially with regard to finance.
Either way, pay close attention to any financial contract, arrangements, or agreements. Read them line by line, so you are crystal clear with what you are agreeing to.
Instead of rushing to spend, conserve, and account for what you need, and what you need to do to procure what you need.
The purpose of these activities are for you to create a structure that will allow for you to enjoy what you value for a longer, more stabilized period.
If you feel rushed, or anxious to spend, pump the brakes, breathe, listen to the sound of the wind in the trees, the songs of the birds. Let the serene experience of nature satisfy what even money cannot buy.
Retrograde Shadow: April 7, 2023 at 5°50’ in Taurus
Retrograde: April 21, 2023 at 15°37’ in Taurus
End of Retrograde: May 15, 2023 at 5°50’ in Taurus
Retrograde Shadow: May 31, 2023 at 15°37’ in Taurus
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Leo and Aquarius.
To learn more about Mercury in Taurus refer back to #156.
Saturn in Pisces Sextile the North Node in Taurus
With Mercury Retrograde it is an opportunity to look back at the guilt, shame, regret, and blame you may have been harboring from the past, and how these thoughts have influenced your reality.
What have you been punishing yourself for, that can be forgiven?
Do you value compassion?
If so, show yourself some.
When: April 14 – 25
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
SATURDAY, April 22

The Moon in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces Sextile the North Node in Taurus
The chatty placement of the Moon in Gemini creates the space for you to ask questions, gather information, and learn a little bit about a lot with regards to your unconscious thoughts and personal values.
What questions can you ask yourself to stimulate your unconscious, in order to awaken your conscious mind?
If your intuition has been showing you something, use the alignment with the Moon in Gemini to ask questions, in order to discern whether or not your intuition is based in fact, or fantasy.
Either way, today is a day to get the conversation started, as difficult as it may be to have.
The Moon and Saturn align: 7am – 1pm PDT
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Saturn and the North Node align: April 14 – 25
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
SUNDAY, April 23

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus Sextile Mars in Cancer
Get out that shovel and start digging into your past, for now is an opportunity to heal the roots of your self-worth.
By the time Mercury reconnects with Mars again, Mercury will be in Gemini and Mars will be in Leo on June 20. That will bring an opportunity to courageously roar from the center of your heart.
The work, however, begins now, as you are being called to look at the roots of your values.
Where do your values and self-worth stem from?
Is it a childhood experience?
Is it something that the ones who nurtured you taught you?
Is it something that stems from your ancestry?
What is it about what you’ve learned from these experiences or influences that you still value?
Is there something about these values that you’ve picked up over time that is no longer reflective of the true nature of yourself?
Use these seven days to reflect on where you’ve come from, how you’ve ended up here, what you’d like to continue to bring with you on your journey, and what you’d like to leave behind.
When: April 19 - 26
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
Saturn in Pisces Sextile the North Node in Taurus
The aspect between Mercury Retrograde in Taurus and Mars in Cancer could be encouraging the aspect between Saturn and the North Node to take a more aggressive look at the past.
What is it about the past that you are fearful of?
What thoughts are haunting you deep within your unconscious mind?
How are these thoughts affecting your self-worth?
Commit to doing the inner works necessary to build up the foundation of the reality you have dreamt of.
When: April 14 – 25
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then, and beyond, I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.