As Mars transits through Leo it forms some stressful aspects to Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus, pushing you focus on whether or not your values resonate with your heart.
Ingrid shares about her week at her friend’s wedding in Pittsburgh, and also about her experience at a podcaster’s event.
Several transits with Venus in Cancer this week are urging you to reflect upon the origins of your relationships, and the roots of your insecurities.
Be sure to nurture yourself and those you love with kindness, especially as the Sun in Gemini Squaring Saturn in Pisces can create some confusion between your unconscious mind and your conscious reality.
Check out the podcast through the link below...
The themes this week are…
1. Values
2. Heart
3. Origins
Last week, Jupiter transited into Taurus, Mars transited into Leo, and the Sun transited into Gemini.
This week, no planets are transiting into new Signs, but we do discuss each of these planets, Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun, along with Venus in Cancer.
As we begin to settle into this new energy, you must look upon your past and be kind to yourself as you do. There may be tension with opening your heart, which is strained by the reality of your situation.
At which point does being practical prevent you from feeling joy, or are you being indulgent in chasing the fun, which causes extreme strain in the practical realm.
The goal is finding balance between the two. Perhaps looking at the roots of your heart and values will give you the very clues you need to find the balance necessary to grow in a healthy way.
I hope what I share in this post is helpful for your journey through the week, and beyond. If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.
Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!
MONDAY, May 22
The Sun in Gemini Sextile Mars in Leo
Mars in Leo Square Jupiter in Taurus
Mars is the god of war, the plant of action, aggression and conflict.
The Sun is the planet of light, life, and vitality.
Jupiter is the god of thunder, lord of justice, the planet of luck and expansion.
Leo is Fixed Fire and symbolized by the Lion.
Gemini is Mutable Air and symbolized by the Twins.
Taurus is Fixed Earth and symbolized by the Bull.
Fire raised the Air.
Air fuels Fire.
Fire scorches Earth.
Earth extinguishes Fire.
One transit is a gift.
One transit is a challenge.
The challenge is meant to inspire you to open the gift.
The gift is meant to help you work on the challenge.
The challenge is between the god of war, Mars, and the god of thunder, Jupiter.
Mars in Leo is driving you to boldly open your heart and move forward with the ferocity of the Lion.
Jupiter in Taurus is urging you to hold firm and ground into reality.
Leo represents the energy of the King.
Taurus represents the energy of the King’s book-keeper.
Sometimes the King may want something which causes the King’s book-keeper to remind him that it wouldn’t be prudent for the King to spend on what he desires.
Is there something you desire within your heart that your reality keeps you from receiving?
How important are the desires of your heart?
Are you able to shift your reality in some way, no matter how uncomfortable in order to receive what you want?
What can you do to find balance between your most extravagant desires and practical responsibilities?
The gift is between the Sun in Gemini and Mars in Leo.
What questions have you been harboring in your heart that you need to ask?
What can you learn from those around you in order to unlock and bring your heart’s desires into reality?
Who can you connect with that can help you find the balance between your practical values and the desires of your heart?
Are you selling yourself short?
In what ways can you value yourself more?
It may feel like a tricky time as the heart may want more than your reality can bring. At the same time, perhaps by opening your heart further, your reality may surprise you.
There is no way to really measure the desires of your heart. Now could be a time to test the threshold of your heart, by pushing yourself past the point of discomfit.
On the flip side, it may also be a good time to be practical rather than extravagant.
Throughout this process, think about what you are learning about your values and your heart, and what you can continue to do to find balance between what seems practical and what you truly want.
When: May 20 – 25
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces.
The Moon is the planet of emotions.
Venus is, lady luck, the goddess of love and beauty, the planet of relationships.
Cancer is the Cardinal Water Sign symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon.
In what ways do your present-day relationships reflect the relationships from your past?
What can you do to express your emotional needs in your close relationships?
How have the origins of your relationships influenced how you connect with others today?
What role do those you are in a relationship play in nurturing your emotional well-being?
Are there any unresolved emotional issues or conflicts in your relationships that need attention?
How can you be more nurturing, caring, and kind to those you are in relationship with?
Are those you are in a relationship with nurturing, caring, and kind to you?
Take some time to reflect on how you ended up at this point in all of your relationships.
The person you were at the beginning of your present-day relationships was perhaps different from the person you are now.
Your first relationships, perhaps those with your parents, are the ones that set the tone for where you are now.
Nurture your younger self for all that you have experienced through your relationships, so you can be kinder to yourself and your current partners today.
When: 2am – 8am PDT
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries and Libra.
Venus in Cancer Square Chiron in Aries
Chiron is the wound and ancient wisdom that is unlocked through healing that wound.
Aries is the Cardinal Fire Sign symbolized by the Ram.
This stressful aspect between Venus in Cancer and Chiron in Aries could feel like it is aggressively pushing you to face your relationship insecurities?
What are your greatest fears in a relationship?
What fears or insecurities are preventing you from fully expressing your emotions and desires in relationships?
Where do your insecurities stem from?
How does your pain from the wounds of your impact your ability to connect and find emotional fulfillment in relationships?
How can you nurture and heal your own emotional wounds while also supporting and understanding the needs of others?
Are there any patterns of self-sabotage or fear of vulnerability that are hindering your ability to experience love and intimacy?
What actions can you take to cultivate self-love and self-acceptance, allowing for deeper and more authentic emotional connections with others?
The more you love yourself, the greater your courage will be to face your insecurities. Facing your insecurities will lead you to receiving the love you desire, and deserve.
When: May 23 – 25
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Mars in Leo Square the North Node Retrograde in Taurus
The North Node is the karmic pathway of the Soul, or Soul’s Purpose.
The Square aspect between Mars in Leo and the North Node in Taurus is reminiscent of the aspect between Mars and Jupiter earlier in the week.
You are being pushed to find the balance between the bold expression of what your heart wants, and the constrictive practicality of what it means to experience life in the material reality of Earth.
This is an aspect that will last for several days, which is why along with the aspect between Mars and Jupiter, this is one of the major themes of the week.
You must find a way to stretch your heart and push the limits without going over the edge.
When: May 24 - 28
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
FRIDAY, May 26
Venus in Cancer Sextile Uranus in Taurus
Uranus is the primordial sky god, the planet of revolution, rebellion, innovation, independence, and the unexpected.
When the planet of the unexpected aligns with the planet of relationships you may need to expect the unexpected in your relationships. It could also mean that your relationship energy may feel stimulated in some unexpected way.
The purpose of this stimulation is for you to take a unique look at what you bring to your close, personal relationships.
What do you bring to your close, personal relationships that sets you apart from others?
What unique attributes do each of your friends, lovers, or business partners bring to your relationship?
Is there something about your relationships that is unique, or nonconforming?
How can you tap into the specialness of what each of your relationships bring to your life?
Dare to be the individual you are by nurturing what makes you unique in each of your relationships. At the same time, celebrate those you are in relationship with for their individuality, as well.
When: May 24 – 27
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius.
Mars in Leo Square the North Node Retrograde in Taurus
Continuing with the Square aspect between Mars in Leo and the North Node Retrograde in Taurus ponder these questions, to work with the energy.
How can you find a balance between your practical values and the desires of your heart?
What can you do to prioritize and align your practical values with the desires of your heart?
What choices can you make that honor both practicality and the longings of your heart?
In what ways can you feel fulfilled when you strike a balance between practicality and following your heart's desires?
What areas of your life do you struggle to reconcile practical values with the yearnings of your heart?
How can you integrate practicality and the desires of your heart to create a more harmonious and fulfilling life?
What actions can you take to ensure that you consider both practicality and the desires of your heart when making decisions?
When: May 13 – 22
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
The Sun in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces
Saturn is the god of wealth and time, the planet of restriction, responsibility, hard work, achievement, and authority.
Pisces is the Mutable Water Sign symbolized by the Fish.
Together the Sun and Saturn make a stressful Square aspect via the Mutable Signs of Gemini and Pisces. Stressful because the Elements of Air and Water do not mix.
Take responsibility for your unconscious thoughts by bringing any fantasies or illusions you may be having into your conscious awareness.
Ask questions.
Gather the facts.
Determine if your intuition is validated by logic.
You will come to a logical conclusion by asking questions of those involved and listening to their response.
If anything is unclear, ask more questions.
Along the way, embrace your curiosity, and try to approach learning how others think, with a positive perspective.
You may also need to ask yourself some questions in order to determine if your inner thoughts are based in fact or fantasy.
When: May 26 – 29
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
SUNDAY, May 28
The Moon in Virgo Sextile Venus in Cancer
Virgo is the Mutable Earth Sign symbolized by the Virgin.
When the Moon transits Virgo it brings an emotional sensitivity to your most critical and analytical nature.
You may find yourself dissecting the nature of your relationships.
How did I get here?
What did I do to put myself in this situation?
What is it about my partner that drives me nuts?
What did I do to deserve being in this relationship?
Is there any way I can fix everything that bothers me about my partner?
If this is what you are thinking today, try to give it a rest. Instead you may want to replace the above questions with questions like…
How can I be more kind to myself?
How can I be more kind to my partner?
Can I ask my partner to be more kind to me?
Can I ask my partner if I am caring enough?
What can I do to nurture myself as a partner?
What can I do to nurture my partner?
Am I willing to ask my partner to nurture me?
Ultimately, this aspect is a supportive one that is meant to help you improve upon what you bring to and receive from your partnerships.
When: 3pm – 9pm PDT
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.
The Sun in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces
Continuing with the Square aspect between the Sun and Pisces here are some questions to ponder that will hopefully assist in how you can take advantage of this energy.
What can you do to be compassionate and curious?
How can you use your curiosity to cultivate your compassion?
What would you like to learn from your unconscious?
What are you learning from your dreams?
Are you trusting your intuition?
Are you showing yourself compassion?
Are you being empathetic to others?
Do you have faith?
Who can you connect to that can help lighten your load?
Are the people in your life elevating you on a spiritual level?
What can you learn from those around you in order to cultivate greater faith within yourself?
When: May 26 – 29
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then, and beyond, I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.