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Journal Prompts for the Sun, Mercury, and Venus as they transit through Cancer

Venus transits through Cancer from June 16 - July 11.

Mercury transits through Cancer from June 17 - July 2.

The Sun transits through Cancer from June 20 - July 22.

Venus is Lady Luck, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, the Planet of Relationships.

Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods, Guide of Souls to the Underworld, the Planet of Consciousness, Communication, and Coordination.

The Sun is the Planet of Light, Life and Vitality.

Cancer is the Cardinal Water Sign, ruled by the Moon, and symbolized by the Crab, representing the kindness, caring, nurturing necessary to raise a family or create a home.

Below, are a series of questions to help support you through these frequencies.

The next round of Moon Cycle Classes is available for enrollment, and I've added a third class, which will be meeting on Saturdays, Pacific Time. We will be covering the upcoming New Moon in Cancer and second Full Moon in Capricorn of 2024.


If you would like more information on how the current planetary transits or any other transit may be affecting you directly, or how to work with the energy, I invite you to schedule a reading with me.


If you would like to learn more about your astrological code in order to better understand who you are, so you can accept, appreciate, and love the divine, unique miracle that is you, I invite you to schedule a reading with me.


I am here to guide you, support you, and encourage you on your journey through offering clarity as you navigate your way through life.


Venus in Cancer

Venus transits through Cancer from June 16 - July 11.

The dates below represent the last couple of times Venus has transited through Cancer. 


May 7 - June 5, 2023

July 17 - August 11, 2022

June 2 - 26, 2021


Think back to these dates for clues on what could be in store for you this time around.


  1. Who were the first people I had a relationship with?  

  2. How did those who raised me, or even my ancestors influence how I chose my friends, lovers, and business partners?

  3.   Am I being nurtured and cared for by those I am in a relationship with?  

  4. What can I do to nurture and care for those I am in a relationship with?  

  5. What can I do to be more kind to myself as a partner?  

  6. What can I do to be more kind to my friends, lovers, or business partners?  

  7. What can I do to improve my relationships within my home, or family life?  

  8. Am I willing to delve into my past in order to nurture and show myself kindness despite the relationship choices I've made?

Mercury in Cancer

Mercury transits through Cancer from June 17 - July 2.

The dates below represent the last couple of times Mercury has transited through Cancer. 


June 26 – July 10, 2023

July 4 – 19, 2022

July 11 – 27, 2021


Think back to these dates for clues on what could be in store for you this time around.

  1. How can I be more kind in my communication?

  2. How can I be a more caring listener?

  3. What can I do to use my words to nurture others?

  4. What conscious thoughts are stemming from my past?

  5. Who from my past would I like to communicate with?

The Sun in Cancer

The Sun transits through Cancer from June 20 - July 22. Every year the Sun transits through Cancer from July 20 or 21, depending on what time and where you are in the world, until July 22. Think back to this annual time period for clues on what could be in store for you this time around as the Sun transits through Cancer.

  1. What is my gut telling me?

  2. What can I learn about my past or ancestry?

  3. What can I do to create a home life that nurtures me?

  4. Can I nurture my past-self through my childhood memories?

  5. How can I be more kind and caring to others and myself?

  6. What nurtures me?

  7. What does it mean to be kind?

  8. What does it mean to care for myself and others?

I hope these questions help you navigate your way on your journey through these frequencies of Cancer and the Crab!

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